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WINTER 2024-25:


High School (2006-2009) 
6v6 (5 + keeper)

*2006 players allowed as long as in HS

U8-U15 (2017-2010) 
7v7 (6 + keeper)

WINTER 1: Mon. Jan. 20 (MLK Day)

WINTER 2: Mon. Feb. 17 (President's Day)


*If your team requests a bye weekend, your game will be moved to one of the above make-up dates (between 7am-5pm).

Have questions? 

Please be patient, we have

a small team of administrative staff.


WINTER I: 2024-25

Sat/Sun: U8-U15

DEC 7 - FEB 2
7 games $925

*No games Dec 21/22 & Dec 28/29

M-F: High School
DEC 2 - JAN 31
7 games $925

*No games Dec 23 - Jan 1

WINTER II 2024-25

Sat/Sun: U8-U15

FEB 8 - MAR 23
7 games $925

M-F: High School
FEB 3 - MAR 21
7 games $925


DEADLINE TO REGISTER: First come, first served.
Winter I fills mid-NOV; Winter 2 fills mid-DEC.

SCHEDULE STATUS:  Noted on HOMEPAGE 10 days before league start date. 
*teams can view & access schedules while we are working on them so
DO NOT distribute until the status reads "FINAL"



  • Do not submit proof-of-age​ to our front desk.

  • Each team must possess POA for each player, at each game.

  • Teams are required to present POA upon request (during any game season).

  • If a team does not possess proof-of-age for the player on the spot, 
    the team must forfeit the game.

  • Exception: If the player has not stepped on the field yet,

the team does not have to forfeit but the player cannot play.

  • Acceptable forms of proof-of-age include:
    a.) copy of player card, or b.) copy of birth certificate.


MUST be noted on the online registration form (comments box). 
If you have a request to submit after registering, email
We will accommodate as long as we have not started the schedules.
We will avoid time-frames that you cannot play if you request properly.

If your team presents a conflict for a bye weekend, the game will be moved to
MLK Day for winter session 1, or President's Day for winter session 2 (between 7am-5pm). 

$300 deposit required upon online registration. Feel free to pay your full balance.
The online registration is the only opportunity to pay online. After that you must call in, or stop by. 
$625 balance required before your first game. 
*$50 late fee added if you do not pay by the first game. Paying at your first game is okay.
If you leave the facility without turning in your roster, you will forfeit the game.

Your team’s completed Soccerdome roster/waiver form must be turned in at your first game.
Games will not start until the completed SD roster/waiver form is submitted to our front desk.
You have until the 3rd game to add players to your roster/waiver form.
Parents should come directly to the front desk to add a new player. 
Players must be on the roster/waiver form to step on the field.
Each team must keep a copy of their roster/waiver form at each game
(take picture or make copy before submitting it to us).
You can access the roster/waiver form on the “YOUTH LEAGUES”
drop down tab of​


AGE-GROUP-LINKS below display currently registered teams & openings for that age group.
They will also lead you to the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM.

*By completing the registration, you agree to have read all of the info on this page 

(Click on Age Group to Register)

Mon-Fri ($925)

SD1 Jessup

HS Boys Div II

SD2 Harmans

HS Girls Div II

*HS leagues

 (in this section) are only
played on weekdays
specified above. Click
"Game Time-Frames"
button at the top of this 

webpage for more info.

(Click on Age Group to Register)

Mon-Fri ($925)

SD1 Jessup

HS Boys Div II

SD2 Harmans

HS Girls Div II

*HS leagues
(in thi
s section) are only
played on weekdays
specified above. Click 
"Game Time-Frames"
button at the top of this

webpage for more info.

First come, first served. We expand & contract openings based on first come, first served. 
Winter I typically fills mid-NOV; Winter 2 typically fills mid-DEC. 

*Soccer Dome reserves the right to merge age-groups,
move league locations, and/or game time-frames if needed.
We will do our best to inform teams promptly. 

© 2014 SoccerDome

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